The Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Show Her You Care

If you’re still at a loss for what to get Mom for Mother’s Day, I’ve got you covered. This list covers everything from spa gifts to donations in her name that will show how much you care about her. If she’s looking for something more than what’s on this list, check out my other gift guides here!

SPA Gift Sets

Spa gift sets are a great way to show your mom that you care. If she’s the type of woman who loves to pamper herself, this is the perfect gift. 

The best part is, spa gift sets are so versatile and can be used for any occasion or holiday (or just because).

If your mom is anything like mine, she loves to relax and unwind after a long day at work. Whether she’s planning on going out with friends or just staying at home by herself, I highly recommend getting her something from Lush! 

They have some amazing bath bombs that come in cute little containers which make them look like presents even when they aren’t! 

This would be especially great if your mom likes taking baths in the evening because then it would feel more like an indulgence than just another chore.”

If your mother loves being pampered then there’s no better place than Sephora where you can find products designed specifically for women who want nothing but luxury during their beauty routine.”


Flowers are a classic way to say “I care”. They can be delivered to the mother’s home or workplace, or sent as a surprise. 

Flowers are also great when you need to thank someone special, apologize for something, or just get them out of the house!

For example:

  • If your mom is stressed or feeling sad because she doesn’t have time to herself today (it happens), send her flowers. She’ll love it!
  • Or maybe she has been putting on a brave face this week because someone close to her passed away recently? Surprise them with a bouquet of their favorite flowers and bring some joy back into their lives.
  • If you’re having trouble thinking about what kind of gift would be appropriate for your mom or any other woman in your life who deserves something nice then consider sending some beautiful blooms from our shop instead!


If you want to give your mother something special on Mother’s Day, or if you’re planning a large celebration for her and other women in your life, jewelry can be a great gift. A necklace or bracelet will show her how much she means to you.

Jewelry is also a perfect choice if you want to give any woman in your life—mother, sister, friend a gift that shows how much they mean to you.

And if jewelry isn’t quite right for them? Don’t worry! There are plenty of other gifts out there too (like books or plants).


Clothing is another great gift idea. It can be personalised and be useful, stylish, and long-lasting. Clothing is a practical gift that you can use every day. 

If there’s something specific your mom really needs to wear or something she dreamed of wearing when she was younger but never got around to it, clothing could be the perfect way to give her that experience without breaking the bank.

Food-Related Gifts

Food-related gifts are a great way to show mom that you care and she’ll be able to use them in the kitchen or at dinner parties.

Gift certificates: Whether your mom’s favorite restaurant or delicatessen is nearby, or if it’s someplace she’d love to visit but hasn’t been able to get there yet, a gift certificate is always appreciated. She’ll have something special planned for when she heads out with friends who can appreciate her choice of restaurant as much as she does!

Cooking classes: If your mom loves cooking but has never gone beyond following recipes and preparing food for family meals, consider enrolling her in a cooking class where she can learn new techniques from professional chefs. It’s also fun for families and makes an excellent bonding experience together, especially if there are kids involved!

High-end cookware: A good set of pots and pans makes all the difference when you’re trying out new recipes and it’s not just about getting fancy cookware (although those certainly help!). 

Look for products that are durable enough so they won’t chip over time; nonstick finishes will reduce messes but aren’t always necessary; metal utensils work better than plastic ones because they don’t scratch surfaces; easy cleanup features like detachable handles make cleaning up easier too! 

And don’t forget about storage space! You can find all these things at stores like Sur La Table or Williams Sonoma which have locations nationwide including right here in our Minneapolis store located downtown on Nicollet Mall near Target Field Station so pick one up today before supplies run out (which may happen since we sell out pretty quickly).

Fun Gifts

If you’re looking for a more unconventional gift, consider these ideas:

New game. Your mom might have played the same board games her whole life, but there are always new ones to be discovered! Check out the latest releases from places like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

New video game. Whether she likes playing on her phone or on an actual console, you can’t go wrong with giving your mom a new gaming system or game to play (and enjoy!) this Mother’s Day.

New book. If your mother is an avid reader who hasn’t already read everything under the sun, consider getting her something new and exciting that she’ll love especially if it involves one of her favorite genres or topics!

Movie/TV show subscription service membership this way she won’t have any reason not to see all those great movies she wants at home instead of having to get dressed up and brave traffic in order! It also saves money because they tend not use as much electricity as having TVs running around 24 hours per day which means lower electric bills too!

Household Items

If your mom is the type of person to love a good holiday, then Mother’s Day is the perfect excuse to show her how much you appreciate her. And what better way than by getting her something she can use in her home?

Here are some ideas:

  • Furniture—couch, bedding, pillows and throws.
  • Accessories—hangers, storage bins and baskets.
  • Home decor—table tops and vases (with flowers).
  • Appliances—coffee pot; small appliance set; microwave oven.
  • Lighting fixtures—candles; lamps with shades; table lamps with shades or glass bases.
  • Rugs or area rugs for under furniture legs near doors/windows or just about anywhere else that could use a little color!
  • Artwork from local artists/craftsmen who live in your area will add personality as well as beauty when displayed in any room of the house!

An Experience Gift

For the mom who’s never had a day off in her life, an experience gift is the perfect way to show her you care. Experiences are great for moms who enjoy getting out of the house and having fun with their family and friends. 

They can be pricey, but they last forever so for example, if your mom loves music and wants to go see her favorite band live on their next tour, consider splurging on tickets as a gift! 

Or give her something more personal: buy tickets to a concert on the day you were born, or take your mom on some other kind of adventure that means something special to both of you (like an afternoon tea).

A Mug Or Wine Glass

A mug or wine glass is a great way to show your mom that you care. You can buy one that expresses your feelings, like “I’m sorry I was an asshole teenager” or “I love you and I want to be more like you when I grow up.” Or, if she loves a good laugh, consider the gift of comedy: 

There are several funny mugs on Amazon with corny phrases like “Mom’s favorite part of the day is when her kids leave home,” which may sound harsh if they’re not actually true, but they’ll make her smile and who knows? 

Maybe this will finally get them out of bed every morning so she doesn’t have to wait on them anymore.

Another fun option for showing mom how much you care about her (or what kind of sense of humor she has) is buying a colorful mug or wine glass that’s cute enough to keep in sight while also making people wonder what exactly it means–like these beautiful examples from Etsy:

Subscription Boxes

If you don’t know what a subscription box is, it’s basically a box that comes to your home each month with themed items inside. They can be beauty-related or fashion-related, but most of the time they’re meant as gifts for moms.

Most subscription boxes have different options for women of different ages—for example, if she’s in her 20s or 30s, she’ll probably prefer something more on trend and fun than if she’s 50+.

When choosing the right subscription box for your mom this Mother’s Day, think about what kinds of things she likes and whether you think she’d like something new every month. Some popular ones include:

  • Beauty Box 5 (for women who are into makeup)
  • GlossyBox (for women who love beauty products)

Books And Magazines

The best gift you can give your mom is a book. It doesn’t have to be a new one, and it definitely doesn’t have to be one that you read or enjoy. 

The important thing is that it’s something she will really enjoy, and hopefully something she hasn’t read before (unless she specifically told you otherwise).

Because of the personal nature of these gifts, we’ve chosen some of our favorites from Amazon’s Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Books & Magazines category.

A Donation In Her Name To A Charity That Matters To Her Or To You

You can donate in your mom’s name to a nonprofit organization that is important to you both. This could be anything from an animal shelter, a local food bank, or even a hospital where she works as a cancer researcher. 

If you’re feeling particularly generous (or if it’s your birthday), you could even make the gift tax deductible by donating through one of these organizations:

  • American Cancer Society
  • Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
  • March of Dimes Foundation


So, what should you get your mom on Mother’s Day? Well, first of all, let’s remember that it shouldn’t be a huge deal. It’s not just about the gift; it’s about how much she means to you. 

But if you still need some ideas for gifts that are sentimental and thoughtful but also practical (because moms are busy too), well then we’ve got them right here!