Top Father’s Day Gift Ideas for New Dads

Congratulations on becoming a father! You’re going to have an amazing time raising your little one, and we want to help you get started off right with this list of gift ideas. These gifts will show that you care about what dad wants and need.

6 last-minute Father’s Day gift ideas
The best Father’s Day gift for a new dad is something that is thoughtful and meaningful.
Personalized gifts are a great way to commemorate the special occasion of the first Father’s Day.
Outdoor gear, tech gadgets, and grooming kits are some practical gifts that a new dad may appreciate.
Baby-related gifts, such as baby carriers and meal delivery services, can also be thoughtful options for a first-time dad.
A day out with the family, or a heartfelt card, can be just as special and meaningful as a physical gift.

A Great Diaper Bag

A diaper bag is one of the most important items you’ll need as a new dad. The right bag will hold all of your baby’s necessities and be comfortable enough to carry around all day. 

The Diaper Dude Messenger Bag is built with your needs in mind, featuring secure pockets and compartments that allow for easy access from the outside, a padded changing pad, bottle holder and more!

It can be hard to find a stylish diaper bag that fits your budget. Luckily for you, this Dad Bag comes in three colors (black, brown and tan) at an affordable price point of $89 USD on Amazon Prime! What’s more? We’ve got one to give away!

Simply enter below by June 15th and we’ll select our five winners on June 16th at 9:00 am PST time!

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift? Check out our gift guide for dads who have everything to get inspired and find a unique present that will show him how much you care.

A Gift From The Baby

The most precious gift you can give a new dad is, of course, the gift of his baby. A soft handprint or footprint pressed into clay is a wonderful way to show him that you remember that day in the hospital when he first held his son or daughter. Or how about a t-shirt with their child’s name on it?

And for dads who are just starting out as dads, I think a practical gift like this one from The Honest Company would make any new dad happy:

Best “A Gift From the Baby” Father’s Day Ideas

Gift IdeaBrand/Store
Personalized Photo FrameShutterfly
Baby Handprint or Footprint KitPearhead
Custom JewelryPandora
Daddy and Me Matching OutfitsCarter’s
Heartfelt Father’s Day CardHallmark
Engraved WatchFossil
Custom Art PrintEtsy
Personalized Coffee MugThings Remembered

A Second-Hand Piece Of Jewelry

Whether you’re a father yourself, or buying for one, jewelry is always a great choice. A nice piece of jewelry that has sentimental value is the perfect gift. It can be an heirloom passed down from your father to you, or something else that’s meaningful to both of you. 

Also, if it’s made of silver or gold (or even titanium) it will be easy to clean and wear everyday without worry about wearing out the piece over time.

A second-hand piece like this will not cost too much either! When looking at antique stores or flea markets for an item like this, don’t be afraid to negotiate prices down if need be—it’s all about finding something that suits both parties’ needs when shopping around for such things! 

Finally make sure there are no signs on how expensive the original price tag was before negotiating; otherwise people may think less of your intentions due simply because they’re aware how much money could’ve been saved had only looked into buying used instead.”

f your dad is an outdoors enthusiast, he’ll appreciate a gift that matches his passion. Our list of Father’s Day gifts for outdoor enthusiasts includes ideas that he’ll love and use on his next adventure.

A Favorite Drink

A favorite drink is a surefire way to make your dad happy. However, there are a few pitfalls to avoid:

Make sure it’s something he likes. Nothing is worse than receiving a gift that you couldn’t care less about. Make sure you know what his favorite drink is, then pick one up for him! If you’re buying liquor or wine, stick with something that’s not too expensive but also not too cheap (think $10-$20). 

If beer or spirits are more your dad’s thing, buy something fun and unique but also delicious and local (think microbrews). Some good options include Blue Moon Belgian White Ale from Coors Brewing Company; Lagunitas IPA from Lagunitas Brewing Company; Bell’s Two Hearted Ale from Bell’s Brewery Inc.; Founders All Day IPA from Founders Brewing Company; or Four Roses Yellow Label Bourbon Whiskey from Four Roses Distilleries Inc..

  • Don’t buy anything weird enough to scare off the family dog.

Best “Favorite Drink” Father’s Day Gifts

Gift IdeaBrand/Store
Craft Beer SubscriptionBeer of the Month Club
Whiskey Stones Gift SetTeroforma
Personalized Wine BottlePersonal Wine
Cocktail Shaker SetWilliams Sonoma
Single Serve Coffee MakerKeurig
Tea Sampler SetHarney & Sons

A Family Photo Shoot

For a gift that will last a lifetime, consider investing in a professional family photo shoot. A professional photographer will be able to capture gorgeous photos that you’re sure to love and cherish. 

Before booking your session, check out the photographer’s portfolio for inspiration and make sure they have experience with newborns. 

Your photographer should also have references from past clients so you can talk with them about their experience working with the photographer. 

Lastly, make sure that your choice of photographer is insured so they are covered if anything happens while on assignment or while shooting your photos!

Want to add a personal touch to your Father’s Day gift? Check out our guide on how to make personalized DIY gifts to create a unique present that he’ll cherish forever.

A Subscription Box

A subscription box is a great way to test the waters of fatherhood. If your dad is new, he may not know what products will help him get through his first year with baby. 

A gift box could be a great way to introduce them both to some of the best products on the market, while also making sure that you’re meeting his needs as an individual.

Many companies offer monthly or quarterly subscriptions for men’s grooming and clothing, but there are many more that focus specifically on baby care. 

These boxes can be themed around either gender for example: “Dad-focused” vs “Mom-focused” so that you can choose which one fits your recipient best!

A Fun Date Night Out

If you’re still new at the whole dad thing, it’s important to spend some time with your partner. If she’s been taking care of everything and is ready for a night out even just to get some fresh air—you can take her anywhere for a fun date night out.

You might be thinking that this sounds like something that can’t be a surprise, because your wife will know what you’re up to if you ask her where she’d like to go. 

But trust us: there are ways around that! You could pick up her favorite restaurant menu online (and have backup options in case she doesn’t want pizza or ice cream), or let her choose where she’d like to go from among several different options (you’ll find one that works). 

And even though we said “date night,” don’t feel pressured into spending more than $20 on food and drinks if going out isn’t really your thing; maybe order pizza and watch Netflix together instead!

Are you attending a baby shower for a new dad? Our guide on the best baby shower gifts has you covered with ideas that new dads will appreciate and find useful.

Some New Clothes

If you’re looking for something more practical and easy, then new clothes are the way to go.

Chances are, your dad probably doesn’t have a lot of clothes that fit him well or look stylish. After all, he’s been dressing himself for years without any help! 

Now that he’s a dad and has more important things to worry about than fashion trends, it’s time for him to get some new clothes that will make his life easier. Some of these include:

Clothes that fit well: Dad might need some new pants or shirts in larger sizes now that he has so much extra weight around his belly area after having kids (and eating too much pizza). 

This can be an expensive fix if you go through traditional retail stores like Sears or Nordstroms because they charge over $100 just for one pair of jeans! 

If you want something reasonable priced then shop online at places like Amazon where they sell good quality clothing at affordable prices ($20-$70).

Clothes that are easy to care for: Don’t forget about drying time when picking out new items from the store – dads don’t have time during the weekdays; laundry day is usually Saturday mornings at our house (or Thursday night). 

So make sure whatever piece(s) you buy does not require professional dry cleaning services since these companies only operate during regular business hours (8am-5pm Monday through Friday). 

If possible try washing them yourself first before sending them out again just so there won’t be any surprises later down the line when doing research online reveals how expensive it really costs per month just washing clothes yourself.”

Sports Tickets

Sports tickets are a great gift for any dad. You can get tickets to a sporting event, or you can get tickets to see your favorite band perform live in concert. You can even buy him some tickets for his favorite local sports team if he wants to go out and watch them play!

You could also consider getting him some tickets for the big game of his favorite professional football, baseball, basketball or hockey team. He’ll love seeing all of his favorite players up close and personal!

Make your baby gift stand out with a personal touch. Our guide on how to make personalized baby gifts provides tips and inspiration for creating a memorable present that will be treasured for years to come.

Manly Soaps & Lotions

If your dad is like most men, he can never have too many shaving creams or aftershaves. But there’s something else that helps every man look his best: body lotion! It keeps skin soft and supple, especially in the dry winter months.

If you want to give your dad a gift he’ll actually use, make him some kind of homemade bath product. Give him a gift certificate for an aromatherapy class at the local spa or ask them to teach you how to make bath bombs at home. 

If they don’t offer those classes, grab some essential oils from Amazon and get creative with some recipes from Pinterest!

Something For The Home Or The Garage

When shopping for your new dad, you want to make sure you find a gift that he will use and enjoy. If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few of the top gifts:

Something for the home or garage. A new dad’s wife probably already has everything she needs in these areas, but there are lots of fun tools and gadgets out there that even non-handy people can appreciate. 

Handsaws, power drills and wrenches are useful items that most dads would love to get their hands on, whether they currently own them or not (and don’t forget about all of those “manly” decorations!).

Something sentimental. This could be anything from a picture frame with pictures of your family to an old T-shirt from your childhood or even just some homemade handprint art made by your kids! 

It doesn’t have to be expensive because it’s not really about how much money was spent on it; rather it shows how much thought went into choosing something special just for him: something personal from his children would make an especially meaningful gift.

Funny Socks & Boxers

Funny socks and boxers are a great gift for dads. New fathers love to joke around, so you’ll be sure they’ll get a kick out of the funny gifts you give them.

Funny socks and boxers make perfect gifts for new dads or even those who have been around for a while.


Have fun with your gift ideas for dads. There’s no need to spend a lot of money on something expensive; just make sure that it’s something he will enjoy and use on a regular basis. 

If there’s anything I learned from my dad, it was that the best gifts are those that show how much thought you put into them!

Further Reading

For additional ideas on First Father’s Day Gifts for New Dads, check out these resources:

New Dad? This First Father’s Day Gift Guide Has the Best Gifts for New Dads. – This article provides a comprehensive list of unique and thoughtful Father’s Day gifts for new dads.

20 First Father’s Day Gifts That Will Make Him Feel Special – Good Housekeeping offers some great Father’s Day gift ideas for new dads that are both meaningful and practical.

Father’s Day Gifts For New Dads – Forbes’ Personal shopper has compiled a list of thoughtful and unique Father’s Day gifts specifically for new dads, all of which come highly recommended.


What are some ideas for Father’s Day gifts for new dads?

There are many gifts you can consider giving a new dad on his first Father’s Day. Some popular ideas include personalized keepsakes, grooming kits, sentimental photo frames, tech gadgets, and outdoor gear.

What is a good first Father’s Day gift?

A great first Father’s Day gift is one that is thoughtful and meaningful. Some suggestions include a heartfelt card, a personalized gift, a smartwatch, or a day out with the family.

How much should I spend on a Father’s Day gift for a new dad?

There is no set amount to spend on a Father’s Day gift for a new dad, as it largely depends on personal preference and budget. However, a thoughtful and meaningful gift is more important than the price tag.

What are some sentimental gift ideas for first-time fathers?

Some sentimental gift ideas for first-time fathers include personalized keepsakes, photo frames, a custom art print, or a piece of jewelry featuring the baby’s birthstone.

Are there any practical gift ideas for new dads?

Yes, there are many practical gift ideas for new dads. Some suggestions include a grooming kit, a smartwatch, a baby carrier, or a subscription to a meal delivery service to make meal times easier.